Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We're not done hunting possums

Cousin Daniel in New Zealand would be proud... At 2:30am this morning, our dog Tui was barking. She is a dog that thankfully, does not bark (though she has other problems) unless there is a reason. So naturally, when I woke up to constant barking, I asked Dave if he thought it was Tui. We soon realized it was, and he went to check it out. I sat on the bed, terrified that someone was breaking into our house and had attacked Dave (did I mention we watched a Vampire movie right before bed?) I waited for what felt like an eternity before Dave came back and asked me to come check out Tui. She was pretty dirty, but other than that she was ok. Turns out Dave had found a half mangled possum that Tui had been... well I don't know what she was doing. But the possum needed to be put out of it's misery which my wonderful husband did. I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't here.

The last time we had to kill a possum, we were riding around in cousin Daniel's truck late at night with a .22 and a spotlight. To be fair, the possums carry diseases that transmit to the dairy cows on their farm. It was still dang fun though. Made me miss the farm and our fabulous Kiwi family.

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